Monday, March 1, 2010

Quick February

February always goes by quickly. It's probably one of my frustrations for a month that's always been lucky for me. I even remember being disappointed in college for exams not falling in February and instead being scheduled in the first week of March. It was like losing a golden opportunity to perform well. Of course, people will say that one needs to study well for an exam and not just rely on luck. Well, I did study well for my exams and I always thought that being lucky is not such a bad thing. After all, feeling lucky may be likened to a placebo and can be a good morale booster in such times of trials (or exams).

March is very much welcome though. A quick February also means that the summer break is just around the corner. It's warmer in March but the nights still offer a frequent cool breeze to soothe both mind and body after a day at work.

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