Sunday, March 23, 2025

Home-made brownies

Our daughter has been very interested in cooking and baking lately. They've been learning to cook at school and at home, she helps her mother when the latter is baking. We always have the ingredients for cookies or cupcakes at home so they can actually bake whenever they want to.

A few weeks ago, our daughter made some brownies from the mix we had. Half had cashew nuts in addition to the chocolate while the other half only had chocolate sprinkled on top.

Brownies half and half by our daughter

To be honest, he fudge brownies were good. I even brought some for my snack at the office.


It's not yet at par with the brownies I've enjoyed eating but I think we'll eventually get there. I use the term 'yet' because it is a work in progress. I prefer my brownies with nuts especially cashew (instead of almonds, macadamia, pecan or peanuts) but they're still good without the nuts.


Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Unusual fruit shapes

At the market last weekend, I spotted a couple of unusually shaped fruits.

Oddly-shaped avocado

I was informed these were called moon drop grapes. These are seedless and very sweet.

While the avocado shape may have been naturally occuring, the grapes were a lab creation (genetically modified?). I have nothing against the latter and enjoy fruits whatever their shapes are. Others may have their shapes influenced by how they're grown. An example of these are cube-shaped canteloupe melons I saw in the supermarket a number of times.


Monday, March 17, 2025

Elusive Mayon Volcano, Part 2

We headed to Cagsawa where you probably have the most touristy spot for seeing the volcano. Along the way, we had nice views of the Busay River and glimpses of the volcano that was mostly covered by clouds.

The volcano as seen from the Duterte Highway along the Busay River

Another view of the cloud covered volcano from the highway

On the foreground are riverbanks protection.

A glimpse of the countryside as we traveled to the Cagsawa ruins.

Views from Cagsawa soon!
