As the threat of the pandemic seems to be easing, offices are already recalling their employees to their offices. Apparently, many offices are raring for people to 'return to work' despite the fact that work from home arrangements have revealed many to be more productive with the set-up. In our case, that is despite the relatively bad internet services (paano kaya kung parang sa Singapore, Korea or Japan yung internet services?) and other constraints or challenges posed by the pandemic and the WFH set-up (e.g., mix-up of home and office hours and commitments).
I took a few photos near my office in UP to take in the campus ambiance. We are still at 50% capacity until at least March 15 and classes are still home-based for most students. That means few people on campus though many show up for exercise and recreational activities during the morning and afternoon/evening windows at the Academic Oval.
The UP Diliman Academic Oval during the start of easing of restrictions using it for exercise and recreation
It started with few walkers and joggers. There are now more people walking, jogging or running along the oval. Cycling is still prohibited for now.
The unrestricted parking lot at the back of Melchor Hall had no vehicles. Many of those who walk, jog or run along the Academic Oval do not live on campus. Many take their vehicles to come to the campus for their exercise.
More photos around the Oval soon!