Saturday, August 27, 2022

Chocolate review: Cachet 70% Dark Chocolate

I spotted this chocolate at the nearby gas station's convenience store. They were on sale but checking the expiration date, it was way before it so I decided to pick up one to taste. We haven't traveled abroad for some time and have not been able to get our usual supply of chocolates from the duty free shops or other stores in the cities we visit. So we make do with what we could get here and from nearby stores.

Cachet 70% dark chocolate came in a 300g bar, which I thought was rather unusual for these chocolates.

Details about the chocolate at the back of the wrapper

Nutrition information

Ingredients are stated here. The chocolate claims a minimum of 70% cocoa content.

The maker supports school children in Tanzania in what is called "Cocoa for Schools" program.

The chocolate is manufactured in Belgium.

The chocolate is surprisingly smooth for a 70%. The only thing not going for it is that it is a chunky bar that's hard to bite when it just came out of the refrigerator - if that's really a negative. Price-wise, this chocolate cost less than 250 pesos so this has more bang for the buck for a Belgian chocolate.


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