For the second week in a row, I had to go to my office using a coding car (i.e., a vehicle affected by the MMDA's number coding scheme. Like the previous week when I decided to do my morning walk around the Academic Oval, I decided to do my walking on campus. This time I decided to go to the other academic oval - that of the National Science Complex of the College of Science. Here are some photos I took while on my morning walk.
The road leading from Velasquez Street to the National Science Complex is like their University Avenue.
The road leads to the administration building of the College of Science. The fork in the road leads to either side of their oval road.
Corner of a road leading to the Institute of Mathematics building
There are many open spaces around the complex and many native trees planted to offer shade and perhaps cooler temperatures.
The Institute of Chemistry has two buildings in the shape of Benzene rings. Other buildings also have curious shapes consistent with the Institute's field.
Foot path from Chemistry back to the oval
There's a playground on the complex that also has exercise equipment. Unfortunately, many if not all are in a state of disrepair and not usable for exercise.
I found walking around the Science Complex to be more pleasant. There were fewer people there, more shaded areas and less vehicles going about. Friends say they also prefer this over the Academic Oval of the campus where more people and vehicles are. Hopefully, the Science Complex remains like this and not become as crowded.