Friday, August 21, 2020

Kandy, Sri Lanka, Part 2

Here's a continuation of the series on Kandy, the former capital of what was a kingdom in Ceylon/Sri Lanka. The following photos were taken at the Sacred Tooth Temple complex.

I forget exactly where this staircase leads to but it is not a temple but a residence of people taking care of the temple complex
One of many gateways leading to the Temple of the Tooth
Intricately designed doorway
Signs explaining the entrance to a sacred area and asking visitors to remove footwear and head gear as a sign of respect.
Buddha image surrounded by flower, incense and money offerings
One of the small temples spread around the complex
Pathway leading to another Buddha image covered by a curtain
A very old tree that probably was witness to a lot of events in the complex

A devotee prays beside one of the Buddha images at one of the smaller temples in the complex
There are curtains covering some of the images to physically separate the devotees from what are likely to be images being preserved. I recall similar images designated as 'national treasures' or 'national cultural treasures or artifacts' in other countries such as Japan, Thailand and Korea.
More on Kandy soon!

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