Thursday, July 13, 2023

Wet season

It's been raining since yesterday and it was the kind of rains that brought about flooding. Well, it's the wet season and its no wonder we have heavy rains this time of year. We've also come to accept the 'new normal' brought about the climate change though acceptance is more along the lines of people just shrugging-off the heavy rains as if it were like this before. It was not and extreme weather is something we should be worried about as it brings a lot of misery to a lot of people aside from the floods they usually bring about.

Here's a screenshot from a weather app showing the rainfall intensity in Metro Manila and surrounding areas. That's a lot of rain falling in those areas as indicated by the red color. The darker reds mean heavier rains.

The downpours are usually associated with Habagat but before, rains this intense would have been brought about by typhoons. Nowadays, even if there was no typhoon, we can experience heavy rains oftentimes with strong winds. Will these become more frequent this time of year? Is this a harbinger for a punishing dry season afterwards? I think we should be wary of the changes in the weather as our planet continues to heat up.


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