Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Catch of the day

I came home to stories about how our helper caught a fish while walking our lab Troy when there was was a cessation in the rains this afternoon. The fish probably was swimming in the creek near our home and wandered unto the road when flash floods hit the street near the creek due to the heavy rains from last night. When the waters receded it wasn't able to go back to the creek via the drainage and so got trapped in a puddle along the street. Troy apparently saw the fish and suddenly became quiet as he observed the creature along the road. Recognizing the fresh live fish as a variety that's common on the dinner table, Manang caught the fish with our dog observing and well-behaved. They walked home with their catch and now it's in a shallow container awaiting its fate tomorrow.

Holding area for tomorrow's meal?
Close up of the strong swimmer

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