Sunday, October 13, 2013

Dinner at Gonpachi - Part 2

During our dinner at Gonpachi, I tried to get some photos of their menu. We were very curious about what else they had offer aside from their specialty - barbecues. Unfortunately, I could only get hold of the drink menu, which was left with us for additional orders during our dinner. As my iPhone was already running out of power, I had to make do with my BlackBerry, which didn't produce as good photos as the iPhone could, especially in bad lighting conditions.

One part of the drink menu
Another part of the drink menu
Our eight course meal for dinner.

Tofu salad
Stewed pork belly
Charcoal grilled skewers
Grilled swordfish (what's left of it before I took the photo)
Vanilla ice cream with salted caramel topping

I think the teriyaki grilled swordfish was the most delightful part of our meal. This was particularly since it was grilled quite perfectly resulting in a "melt in your mouth" texture. Instead of rice, we had cold soba towards the end of dinner (pang alis ng umay). I thought the ice cream as dessert was also a good finale for our dinner, providing the sweet taste to balance the salty, spicy and savory tastes of the other food we were served at dinner.


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