Thursday, January 15, 2015

Baked rosemary chicken

Another first time treat during the Christmas and New Year holidays was the Clairvoyant's first crack at making rosemary chicken. While we have enjoyed the roasted version in a couple of restaurants before and wondered if we could make a similarly tasty meal. The Clairvoyant instead did some research on the internet (a very useful resource for cooking and baking these days) to get a recipe that involved baking.

We got our chicken from the nearby supermarket. Most parts were chicken breast with the bones. The other major ingredient was of course rosemary, which we happened to have a lot of because of the different pots of herbs we got when we had our new home landscaped. We now get most of our herbs (sweet basil, Thai basil, rosemary, lemongrass, tarragon) from our garden. I won't delve into the details of the recipe and how the dish was made. Instead, I'm just posting a couple of photos of the baked rosemary chicken that we enjoyed on one late December lunch.

This version of rosemary chicken was baked using a Pyrex tray
A closer look at our savory lunch
There were only 4 of us at home so we were not able to finish the entire tray over lunch. We ended up having the same during dinner and some leftovers were still good for meals the following day together with other viands.

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