Thursday, September 20, 2018

Chocolate review: Auro 55% Dark Chocolate

We spotted the large bar version of this chocolate at a store that's mainly for baking supplies. The smaller bars you can get at Starbucks. And we wondered before if Auro had the big bar version since the small bars seemed to be "bitin" in as far as our chocolate intakes are concerned. We got one of each of the three varieties available at the store for this chocolate, which we thought was very good and perhaps already comparable to the more popular Malagos chocolates from the same region in the Philippines.

Auro Chocolate's 55% dark chocolate comes in a 90g bar.
Details on the chocolate at the back of the box
Here's a close-up of the nutrition information and a briefer on Auro.
Here is what the chocolate looks like once unwrapped.
The 55% dark chocolate from Auro is smooth and perhaps a good introduction to their chocolates. The taste and texture tells us that they have achieved a certain level in chocolate-making that sets them apart and above the mass production chocolates; never mind the pretender upstarts and amateurs. It also says a lot about cacao and chocolates coming out of Davao. The bar retails for 265 pesos (about 4.91 USD), which at first seems a bit expensive for a local chocolate but then if you're willing to pay the same or more for an inferior foreign chocolate, then you have no excuse shelling out the same for this very good dark chocolate.

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