Saturday, April 23, 2022

Back at Tenya

It was the first time for me to do field work for projects since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and we had to eat out for lunch. We decided to have a late lunch as we anticipated crowded restaurants during the regular lunch period. While looking for a place to eat, I spotted a Tenya branch along the road and directed our driver to go there. Tenya is a well known brand in Japan and I've had many meals at their Akihabara branches in Tokyo including one under the railway bridge in the electric town.

It's springtime in Japan and all across the country you can see the cherry blossoms (sakura). This promo item on the menu celebrates sakura.

We had already ordered when we saw this poster about the restaurant offering meals that had ingredients sourced from local suppliers.

All of us got the same set meal. Here's a photo of our tempura and cold soba set.

They also have a promo for those who like to have coffee after meals.

This was a welcome break during our field work and we certainly had a good, hearty meal. It also made my day as I had not eaten at this restaurant for a long while (due to the pandemic) and had some cravings for Japanese food.


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