Monday, November 7, 2022

Background music and a vintage gadget

Whenever I decide to listen to music while working, I usually opt to get my CD player and choose one of the favorite CDs from my collection.  While I can go for Apple Music or Spotify, I still go "old school" with my CDs. There's the radio, of course, but I usually listen to it while driving. And I like surfing the stations I've saved so I can select the songs. Radio stations have breaks and commercials/advertising and a couple of stations that usually have my type of music are government-owned and run by a religious group, respectively.

I play J-Pop from time to time on my Discman (rebranded as CD Walkman). The J-Pop albums I bought when I was in Japan seem to take me back in time - to a less complicated time. These are sentimental favorites for me.

I like to play my CDs so I know they are still in good shape. Fortunately, most of my collected CDs are of high quality and have survived 20+ years. 


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