Sunday, November 6, 2022

Chocolate review: Cachet Dark Chocolate Almonds & Sea Salt

Our daughter asked me if she could taste the Zebra chocolate in the ref. I replied that I didn't know there was a Zebra chocolate there. It turned out that they bought this Belgian chocolate at a nearby convenience store located at a service station where we get fuel for our cars. She was referring to the Zebra prominently featured on the packaging of a bar of Cachet chocolate.

The Zebra exclaims "Go Nuts!"

Details about the chocolate found in the back of the packaging

Ingredients - this chocolate claims to have 57% minimum cacao. That places it on the sweeter side of dark chocolates.

Nutrition information

We appreciate it very much that the chocolate helps fund a "cocoa for schools" project. The details are in the inside of the packaging.

The 185-peso price tag for this 180g bar is well worth it. This was a delightful chocolate and shows how almonds and sea salt can mix or blend well with dark chocolate. It is a good thing this chocolate is available at a nearby store so it's easy to get a bar or two to replenish our supplies. We were going to purchase a number of chocolates during our trip but that was not to be and now have to source our chocolates from local stores.


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