Sunday, November 20, 2022

Chocolate review: Van Houten 52% Cocoa Almonds

The I am familiar with Van Houten because it is produced one of my favorite drinks. I regularly bought their chocolate drink in cans whether it was hot or cold (depending on the season) when I lived in Japan. They also had a powdered chocolate that I had at my home there for my morning beverage. While I have seen their brand on products related to baking, it was my first time to see their chocolate bars in the supermarket.

This bar from Van Houten has the classic mix of chocolate and almonds.

Details about the chocolate at the back of the package

Nutrition information

The ingredients list includes their statement that the chocolate contains at least 52% cacao. The info also states that this chocolate is produced in Indonesia.

This was a good, enjoyable chocolate bar and one I wouldn't mind buying again. It is not labeled as a dark chocolate but the information on the package indicates it as a dark chocolate. While it also doesn't say that this is the 'bitter' variety, it states the chocolate as 'semi sweet' and has a slogan of "be bold, more cocoa" that basically classifies itself as a dark chocolate. It is not pricey for a 140g bar and will satisfy one's craving for a good dark chocolate.


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