Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Dinner at The Taverna, Antipolo City

The Taverna is located at the Luljetta resort in Antipolo. We learned about the restaurant from a social media post on the city's official account that usually featured places to visit or eat at in Antipolo. They only recently opened and we were eager to eat there as we can only enjoy Greek food when in Metro Manila. It's always nice to have a nearby go-to place for certain foods that we crave (like authentic Japanese food, for example).

The restaurant view from the stairs

A view of the interior from the main door

A big copy of the menu is at the entrance.

The waiting area includes this horse (Trojan?).

The restaurant has clean, bright interiors

Table with a view

Another view of the waiting area

Tzatziki for appetizer

Chicken souvlaki meal set

Beef souvlaki meal set

The breakfast menu

Lunch and dinner items plus photos of featured or specialty items

We had vaclava for dessert

Our only regret was not ordering one each as we split one order thinking we'd be too full by the time. We also didn't know the serving size for this delightful 'panghimagas'.

A close-up of the layers consisting of nuts and sweet honey

While there, we were able to talk with the chef. He is a very engaging fellow who comes from humble beginnings from the island of Santorini. He shared with us many stories including his previous stint as an engineer.  He's the same guy behind the popular Greek To-Go in Quezon City and usually stays at the resort when he's not busy with his place in Anonas.


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