Friday, July 6, 2018

Tatak ng pagbabago?

[Warning: This is another opinion piece. Proceed to my other posts if this makes you uncomfy to read.]

I find it amusing that the slogan for what's supposed to be a "seal of change" or "tatak ng pagbabago" is a clenched fist seemingly aimed at another person or persons. Are we picking a fight with someone? And is this how we choose to represent change - with a clenched fist? To many, the reaction of a clenched fist aimed at you can be either to dodge it or reply in kind (i.e., retaliate).

I'm sure that many people will rally behind this new slogan as it represents the current administration starting from the time the current leader campaigned for the presidency. And, of course, there is the wisecrack response about what clenched fists are all about. I am aware of the latter and its variations in the present context or whatever context one may choose to justify this. I guess it is the current (I refuse to call it new.) norm and most well-meaning people I know embrace it because it is their connection to power. It is just sad that people who you would think would probably abhor violence and injustice now condone it because they are currently in power and part of establishment. Or because their agenda is along the lines of the policies being executed (pun intended) by the government. I am sadder for those who fought the establishments of the past for the same reasons and issues we now have and have turned out to be exactly what they fought then. If you are hurt by these statements then probably you're one of them.


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