Monday, August 27, 2018

Chocolate review: "Hugot" chocolate

Bonifacio High Street frequently hosts bazaars and you can pick up many goodies from these including pastries, handicrafts, and even wines and beers. There are also chocolates including imported ones you don't usually find in supermarkets though airport duty free shops may have them.

The wife brought chocolates from one of the shops there. The shop offered something a bit tacky in that they had these "hugot" quotes printed on the chocolate bar wrappers. These quotes have become popular on social media and are often part of jokes. The following photo should speak for the chocolates and their messages/themes.

Pick your quote or "hugot" saying
The wife brought chocolates as giveaways for a party we were hosting for her office-mates. We tasted one and thought they weren't bad. Pwede na! To be fair, they are not promoting themselves as artisanal or premium quality chocolates so don't expect something like that.

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