Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Conclusions - Star Wars, Avengers and Frozen

We watched the 9th, maybe last with the exception of spin-offs, Star Wars movie last weekend. The storyline and its features probably compelled me to write this article. I'm no movie critic but I do have my strong opinions about movies (especially epic ones) that I watch. Among the ones I loved or likes were the cinematic adoptions of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Sure they weren't as faithful to the book as purists would want them to be but they were excellently done including the casting, costume and props, and the special effects.

Marvel's (or should I say Disney's?) Avengers movies were also very satisfying to me and I do look forward to the next phases of their so-called cinematic universe both in the theater and on TV. I would dare say that the Infinity series was nicely done and the ending was not one you'd expect though there were rumors or suspicions about it ahead of the screening. Marvel did well, very well compared with the still disappointing but improving DC universe. I also have an opinion about how dark comic book-based movies should be but that's me wanting more fun in such movies rather than gloom.

A couple of weeks back, we watched Frozen 2 with our daughter and I guess she loved it based on her still singing the songs at home an in the car until now. In fact, she's memorized the words and could sing them well enough that her mother already took several videos that she's shared with family and close friends. We thought the story for Frozen 2 was a bit more complex for many kids to understand with one viewing or without anyone to explain it to them. But it made sense to us and while there's closure, there still something there that could spawn a spinoff or special.

Now comes The Rise of Skywalker. Was I satisfied with the ending? Yes, I was. And I was also elated to see many familiar faces coming back especially Han Solo's. I already knew Lando would be there and a lot has been leaked about CGI and stock footage Princess Lea. Luke was easy because he could easily show up as a force ghost. I was also happy to see the redemption of Ben Solo. I just felt that the movie was too short as it packed a lot of information in there including the revelation on the return of Palpatine and the final battle when you already knew the rest of the galaxy would eventually show up. They should have done a film as long as The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings. People wouldn't have minded.

I would certainly watch this movie again and in 3D. We just wanted to catch the movie before theaters started exclusively showing Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF) movies for most of the holidays. I guess we have to wait a while though I think IMAX theaters are exempt from the MMFF. 

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