Thursday, March 19, 2020

Soup for the day

I went out on a "date" with our daughter one day after school weeks before this quarantine and she told me on the way to the nearby mall that she was hungry. She said she wanted to have some soup after I told her we'll be getting some bread at French Baker. She likes their pandesal and brownies and likes watching the staff working on the breads and pastries while I paid for our purchases. I was actually surprised when she said that she wanted to have the soup that's inside the bread! She remembered the soup in a bread bowl that we had the last time we had lunch at French Baker, which was months ago.

The soup of the day in a bread bowl
The soup of the day then was chicken noodle soup. We shared the soup and the bread and ordered pasta to share. She said she preferred the pumpkin soup but chicken noodle soup was also her favorite. Our 6-year old has developed a somewhat mature and sophisticated taste (she also like sashimi and pesto). She's also not so picky with food (e.g., eating her vegetables) and has a very good appetite.

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