Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Chocolate review: Maitre Truffout Fancy Truffles Hazelnut Flavour

We had a couple of boxes of chocolates (chocolate-covered truffles to be exact. I recently featured one of them- the Classic variety. Here is the other box that has the hazelnut flavor.

Fancy design for the box of truffle chocolates
A lot of details in different languages at the back of the box
Information on the chocolates/truffles in Greek
Ingredients are stated in so many languages on the other side of the box
Nutrition information and the expiration date at the bottom of the box
I was not able to take a photo of the truffles for the first box. I made sure to take one for this box. Shown are the cacao powder-covered truffles in a foil pack.
Like what I mentioned in the last post, this was a treat and was surprisingly good, reminding me of similar chocolates from Japanese maker Royce. I still have no idea about the price (I haven't Googled it.) so if the price was right, I probably would be picking up a box or two if I saw these in a supermarket shelf. But of course, if it were a choice between these and our more favored dark chocolates, then I would more likely pick up the dark chocolates instead. The word 'fancy' in the name is sort of a turn-off for me. :)

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