Sunday, October 11, 2020

Atis in season!

 My favorite fruit will always be the Atis or sweetsop. I have enjoyed the fruits the past 3 weeks as apparently they are in season now. I seem to recall that these fruits were usually in season during the dry months of April and May (summer as we refer to these months in the Philippines) but somehow the seasonality of many fruits seem to have moved. Perhaps this is due to climate change?

Box of atis delivered to my suking fruit vendor last week. She allowed me to have the first picks from the box and I got the largest fruits. I usually go to the market early and have that sort of luxury of getting our fruits and vegetables from our suking vendors before the larger crowds come in to shop.

A close second would be the kaimito or star apple but others like bananas, mangoes, kiwi and canteloupe melon will not be far behind. I got more atis this morning at the market and I'm glad I can still enjoy this fruit. We actually have a couple of trees at home. They are located at the back corners of our lot. They haven't been prolific though and what few fruits have been infested by ants and aphids so we were not able to enjoy these as much as the mangoes from our tree that yielded a generous harvest last April and May.


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