Sunday, September 5, 2021

September sunrise

It's been sometime since we have been to the "Second Floor," which is the highest point in our village. We used to go there at least once a week during our morning walks just to have a nice view of Metro Manila or the mountains surrounding us. There is also a nice view of Laguna de Bai as well as distant mountains such as Mt. Makiling, Mt. Banahaw, Mt. Cristobal, Mt. Arayat, Mt. Mariveles and Mt. Samat if you have clear enough skies and horizon.

We had an early walk yesterday and had time to go off the beaten path. That meant going to the place with probably the best view in our area. While there have been several big houses that have been constructed in the vicinity. There's still a panorama you can enjoy. You just have to go through some tall grasses and slippery rock to get there but the rewards of a nice view beats the risks. Atop are low brushes and herbs growing on what is mostly rock so there are no tall grasses or trees for most of the area.

Sunrise from the "Second Floor". It's the wet season and it's been raining everyday; sometimes during the day, sometimes during the night and sometimes the entire day and night. That means we usually have cloudy skies, and those give kind of a different sunrise every time.

The pathways to the spots where you can get the best photos have a lot of foliage. I am sorry for the birds and other animals that we disturbed as we made our way to take a few photos.

There used to be a nice view of Mt. Arayat from there but someone built a tall house with a view deck sticking out (like a sore thumb) that's now blocking the view. There's another spot in our village where one can still get a good view of Mt. Arayat. We'd have to check though if that's still true as there's been a lot of construction going on around us and the lots where you can get these great views are prime areas.


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