Monday, June 24, 2024

10,000 roses, Cordova, Cebu

Before I start posting about the recent trip to Panglao, Bohol, I wanted to finish writing and posting some articles about our trips to Cebu last May. Among those I started writing was on this 'manufactured' tourist attraction located in the town of Cordova in Mactan Island.

Sign in front of the attraction

The roses are actually plastic and powered by LED bulbs (literally rose shaped LED bulbs). They are an impressive sight from a certain angle and when lighted.

The lights for the stems change in color - here are the stems in blue.

Here they are in red.

Stems in purple/violet.

Stems in pink

Stems in orange

Here they are in green again

Transition from red to violet

Pinkish white

The view from the deck level of the cafe.

We were there during the night when the roses were lit. I can only imagine how ordinary these look like during the day. The man-made attraction requires much maintenance work as we saw at least 3 or 4 of their staff working to replace or repair busted bulbs. So it is inevitable to have dark patches in the sea of plastic roses. While I found this place amusing, I thought once is enough for places like this. Nothing really special about it. We weren't able to eat at the cafe so I can't give an assessment of the food and drinks there. They do have a souvenir shop for those who probably want something to state they've been there.


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