Thursday, June 6, 2024

Chocolate review: another taste of Valrhona Jivara

Here is another exceptional milk chocolate, again from Valrhona. Jivara is light and not too sweet like the typical mass produced milk chocolates available on supermarket shelves. One can easily finish a bar in a few minutes but that would be atrocious as far as a chocolate of this quality is concerned. It is best to have small bites and some self control to preserve this chocolate to eat in more than one sitting.

Jivara with the new packaging of Valrhona chocolates

The milk chocolate claims a minimum of 40% cacao content.

Nutrition information

Storage info on the chocolate suggests a dry place with temps betweem 16 to 18 degrees C. That's way lower than the average room temps here. We recently had a heat wave when chocolates like this would probably have melted.

The updated packaging includes much information the chocolate and how to enjoy (immerse is the term used in the packaging) the chocolate. Note also the certification that "the company meets the highest standards of social and environmental impact."

The chocolate is wrapped in foil.

Would I get this chocolate outside of the pack or box it came with? I think so and probably will, but not in the same quantities as the other Valrhona chocolates (dark chocolates) we prefer like Manjari and Caruibe. Any chocolate lover will definitely like Jivara like Dulcey, which I wrote about earlier, and enjoy this chocolate.


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