Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Simala, Sibonga, Cebu - Part 1

A new place that we went to this year is Simala in Sibonga, Cebu. Formally, it is the Monastery of Holy Eucharist or Our Lady of Lindogon Shrine. Pilgrims, visitors and residents generally call it Simala. Here is a first batch of photos I took when we visited there last April 2024.

Key chains being sold in a souvenir shop outside the shrine.

Shops, stores and eateries line the road to Simala.

More stores, shops and eateries

Stores sell all kinds of souvenir items. Many sell flowers, mainly roses, that are brought by pilgrims or visitors as offering at the shrine.

The entrance to the shrine doesn't appear to be remarkable.

And then it opens up to the shrine grounds and you marvel as the structures in the complex

The main path to the shrine leads up to this tower. There are both steps and ramps for both able and persons with disabilities.

Before ascending towards the tower and the main path, there is this wonderful view of the main buildings of the shrine.

The main church buildings of Simala.

The church and what appears as a man-made lake is impressive considering the terrain where these were built.

Another view of the property from the main walkway to the tower

View of the path along a bridge or viaduct to the main complex. Note the nice bougainvilleas along each side of the bridge.

Look back to the tower as we walked to the main shrine buildings.

More on Simala in the next posts!


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