Thursday, July 4, 2024

On haircuts and barbers

I'm a creature of habit and one of the things I am very particular about is where I get my haircuts. I've had a barber in Cainta before who cut my hair since I was in High School. Mang Alim was also my father's barber so we usually only had to sit down on the chair and he would know how we wanted our hair trimmed. The only time he wasn't my barber was during my time in Japan (Yokohama, Tokyo and Saitama) when I went to a barber shop in Meguro to have my haircuts. Unfortunately, my barber Mang Alim got sick and passed away. 

He had an understudy of sorts though as at times when Mang Alim wasn't available and I had to get a haircut, there was this younger fellow who agreed to cut my hair. He was always reluctant, probably thinking Alim might get angry at him for what may seem as 'stealing' a regular. It was actually okay with my favorite barber as he knew there were days I needed to have my haircut when he wasn't there. The next time I'm there he would usually be there, too. After Alim passed away, I automatically and naturally shifted to this fellow and he was my barber  for a few years until for some reason he just disappeared and didn't show up a the newer barber shop where he transferred. Mulong's or Romulo Santos barber shop closed shortly after Alim passed so I also had to transfer to another barber shop. Unfortunately, there was no understudy for this fellow and the other barber didn't do well the only time I tried a haircut with him.

It took some time for me to find another barber. I recall having a few of haircuts at a barber shop at the Petron station at La Vista. That closed and I found myself without a barber again. I tried another shop at SM Taytay but that shop also eventually closed just when I was getting comfortable with a barber there. Perhaps a year or two passed before I found a new barber. The barber shop at Q Plaza in Cainta was recommended by my brother who had his haircut there. It turned out that my brother-in-law and nephew also had their haircuts there. That's where I met Alvin, my current 'go to' barber. I just sit on the chair and he knows how I want my haircut.

During the pandemic, it took a few months before I was able to get a decent haircut. As the shop with Alvin had not reopened, I had a couple of haircuts at one barber shop near our condo at the Uptown Mall in BGC. I think I went there a couple of times before I was finally informed by Alvin that they were back in business. Those were the times one had to wear a mask and face shield for a few times (I routinely had a monthly haircut) until we transitioned to just the mask and eventually got rid of it.

Fast forward to this week when I had my regular haircut, Alvin informed me that he will be moving on soon. He was hired by another shop in Quezon City. The catch is that this was located in a posh area (White Plains) and the price of a haircut is significantly higher than that of an ordinary barber shop (i.e., 4 to 5 times more expensive). While I haven't really decided yet, I am gravitating to try out the new place once my barber moves in. If its not as snooty as I imagine it to be and if I can get my satisfaction and money's worth then perhaps I wouldn't have to look for another barber soon.


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