Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fruits in season - dalandan

The regular Saturday trip to the market to get fruits and vegetables yielded this seedless dalandan, which is one of the more popular citrus fruits in the country. While most dalandan in the market are unbranded, these had stickers on them like the kiwis, apples and oranges, even bananas, that are usually on supermarket shelves.

The dalandan came from a farm in Nueva Vizcaya. I thought it was good to have these labels or branding on the fruits. There's a perception there of quality and the origin adds to that.

Fruits available at my suking vendor at the market.

I recall my times in Japan when I bought bananas and sought out those from the Philippines rather than from other countries. The sticker on the bananas identified them. The same goes with pineapples and mangoes that are labeled and allowed me to purchase those from my country. Of course, when were here and especially in the provinces, you know the fruits are good especially where you know they are produced. The suha or pomelo in Davao are great regardless of the label or brand. Mangoes from Guimaras or Zambales are also great regardless of the label or brand.


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