The wife and I had to go out to get a couple of documents we needed for a case that's been lingering since 2015. It was close to impossible to park our vehicle near the government offices where we had to get the docs so we decided to park at the big hardware store nearby and take a trike to the offices. Actually, I dropped off the wife at one of the offices and parked and took the trike.
After securing the documents, we took one trike each to the hardware store and went in to get a few items for our home. After getting our stuff, we saw this sausage stand at the ground floor and decided to get a couple of sandwiches to take home. As their specialty was crocodile meat sausages, we got a couple of their Croc Dundees instead of Hungarians as we originally planned.
Nice tagline for Hero sausages. They seem to serve not only sausages but burgers and silog meals as well.
The stand at the ground floor of Wilcon Depot along the Circumferential Road in Antipolo City follows the health protocols set for the pandemic.
They have a pretty good menu for a sausage stand
I was not able to take photos of the Croc Dundee sandwiches. The wife ate here as we drove home (I was driving) while I quickly wolfed mine when we got home. I thought they were a bit on the spicy side and our daughter agreed as she took a bit into my sandwich and passed on the experience of eating a crocodile meat sausage. She is not a fan of spicy food like I am. :) I assume that the spiciness was sort of an attempt to cloak the real taste of the meat? Or perhaps to make it taste like the usual sausages people eat (Hungarians, kielbasas, bockwurst, etc.). I'll probably try one again the next time I'm at this branch of Wilcon.