Sunday, July 26, 2020

Ramen Sundays and missing an old friend

It's a post on a Sunday but we actually had the ramen yesterday, a Saturday. I was just reminiscing about Sundays in Yokohama and the mornings I spent at Yamate Catholic Church (Sacred Heart) or Yamate Katoriku Kyokai. It was a rainy daw yesterday and we had a craving for ramen. Fortunately, we had recently gone to check out a new Japanese grocery near our place so we had the ingredients for good ramen.

I have very fond memories of our community in Yokohama and how we got together on a Sunday for church and afterwards. Sometimes, if there were enough of us who had the free time, we went out for lunch at the nearby shopping street. But most of the time, we just ate a heavy snack or an early lunch at the church basement. Most Sundays were 'Ramen Sunday" as the late Fr. Alfred Burke announced just before giving the final blessing for the 10:00-11:00 AM English Mass. And he would usually join the community after post-Mass greetings at the church's main door to chat with us or perhaps have a bowl of ramen himself. I recall a couple of Japanese parishioners made good ramen almost every Sunday and people looked forward to it. I will write more about Fr. Burke in future posts. There is a lot about him that other people, especially Filipinos in Japan, don't know about that he did that I appreciate so much. Here's to a good bowl of ramen on a Sunday or any other day when you feel like having one. :)

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