Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Mango harvest 2023

It took a while but we finally decided to harvest mangoes from our tree. The weather was the main factor for this as we were losing mangoes that were detached from the tree by a combination of strong winds and rains the past days. Most of the mangoes that fell had cracked and though some were viable enough to enjoy with some salt or bagoong/alamang. Others that seem to be already ripening are being eaten by insects or birds (maybe bats?) so waiting for most to be near ripe or ripening didn't seem like a good idea.

Mangoes picked last Saturday were able to fill one large bayong.

Green mangoes - many of these will probably not ripen but these carabao mangoes at least can be eaten or given away. I already sent a big bag of green mangoes to my parents. My mother loves the green mangoes and enjoys eating them with a pinch of salt.

We did not harvest all as the more strategically and favorably located are still on the tree. We will just monitor them and pick them later. I will give some updates here later about those mangoes. A while back, I also wrote about our Sagada Orange tree finally bearing fruit. We have not harvested them as the oranges continue to grow. What I did notice last Sunday was that the tree continues to flower and that means more oranges soon. I hope the fruits will ripen on the tree (hinog sa puno) before we even harvest them.


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