Sunday, October 31, 2021

Chocolate review: Auro 42% milk chocolate with banana chips

I've often wrote in this blog that we are more into dark chocolates rather than the sweeter milk or white chocolates. This chocolate is again one of the exceptions as it is a delight to eat. I was also curious how the banana chips blended with the chocolate. We eat bananas (the saba) with hot chocolate and you can definitely dip them like they do apples and other fruits in fondues.

The chocolate comes in this nice packaging. There's something elegant in the design that has Philippine design elements (as I recall from my college humanities class).

Nutrition and ingredients information at the back of the box.

Ingredients including allergen information are written at the back of the box. The chocolate has also been certified as Halal (permissible or acceptable under Muslim law).

Nutrition information about the chocolate

I think this is our last bar of Auro chocolates from the pack I ordered last April or May. I already ordered and received a few bars from the 10.10 sale earlier this month. That replenished our chocolate cache and should tide us by until December (we do get our 'regular' chocolates from the supermarket).


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